Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne combines the power of a global business software suite with specific, integrated adaptations that address financial and regulatory laws and practices for running your business in other countries.
When implementing JD Edwards globally, you may need to apply localizations to address certain laws and practices in each country.
As an Oracle Platinum Partner with offices in countries, our local consultants can advise you on which localizations are required in specific territories. We will then help you to implement these solutions.
Below are examples of localization requirements for some of the countries we operate in.
To download a more comprehensive list, select your country below.
If your country is not in this list, simply fill out the Contact form and one of our team will be in touch.
VAT reporting: Belgian VAT reporting in JDE supports the setup of the combination of both the Document type of an accounts reconciliation / accounts payable transaction and the tax area code to the correct position of the VAT report.
Yearly Client List no.725 report: Belgian tax authorities require monthly VAT reports on the detail of the VAT amounts that are declared on all of the customer and supplier invoices.
IBLC/BLWI: the IBLC/BLWI is a Belgian governmental authority that requires reporting codes for all foreign payment orders. You must setup suppliers and individual vouchers correctly before the Create A/P Bank Diskette – Belgian Foreign (R04572L2) payment format will use these codes.
Brazil localizations can be a little more complex than in other countries. Below we list some of the most important ones by JD Edwards Suite.
Financial Suite:
Electronic Banking (Payables and Receivables):
Companies in Brazil often use banks to facilitate the electronic transfer of payments and receipts between suppliers and customers. For payments to suppliers, you electronically send data to the bank as a flat file. The bank processes the data and returns data that describes the transactions processed by the bank.
For receipts, banks collect funds from the customers to pay for goods and services that the customers obtained from you. You can create a flat file with information about the customer and send it to the bank. The bank processes this information and contacts the customers with the amount that they owe to you. The customers send this money to the bank, and the bank sends you information about the transaction.
JD Edwards allows companies to setup flat files layouts dynamically, since there are some layout difference between different banks.
Supplier Withholding:
There are some taxes that must be applied in suppliers vouchers amount, based on supplier and item information. You should set up IR (Imposto de Renda), ISS (Imposto sobre Serviço), INSS (Imposto Nacional de Seguridade Social), FUNRURAL (Fundo de Assistência e Previdência do Trabalhador Rural), PIS, COFINS and CSSL.
SPED Contábil:
Required flat file to be sent to the Brazilian IRS, containing data regarding the Accounting System (General Ledger): Chart of Accounts, Business Units, Journal Entries and Accounting Balances.
Distribution Suite:
Tax Setup:
Set up Nota Fiscal Taxes using information regarding Item Master, Company and Client information: ISS (Imposto sobre Serviço), ICMS (Imposto sobre Circulação de Meradorias), IPI (Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados), and others.
Required flat files to be sent to the Brazilian IRS, containing data regarding Notas Fiscais issued and received.
Electronic Nota Fiscal
Based on Sales Order, generate Brazilian Invoice and send it to IRS, using BSSV. Process IRS Return with Invoice Authorization or Rejection. Also Brazilian Localizations lets you company do cancel a previous authorized Nota Fiscal or desable a Nota Fiscal Number, if needed.
SPED Fiscal and SPED Contribuições:
Required flat files to be sent to the Brazilian IRS, containing data regarding Notas Fiscais issued and received.
Set-up a Consumption Tax by province.
Translation considerations for multilingual environments.
Payroll Cycle Reports that the organization can use to fulfill government reporting requirements, or to review and audit payroll information.
Tax ID validation: to remain compliant in Czech Republic, you need a EU VAT registration number validation via VIES web service.
In the field of currency management, you need official currency exchange rate processing. Rounding of depreciation is allowed under certain rules.
Regarding inventory reports, you need Item Balance vs. Item Ledger Integrity reports; Stock Item Receipt Reports; and Stock Item Movement reports.
As for Receipt Processing, you need a specified Inbound Receipt Format and Late Payment Messaging localizations.
To successfully process payments, many localizations are required. Some of them include: Due Date Processing; Payment Format Foreign/Domestic; Payment Format Girobank; SEPA Direct/Credit transfer and Enhanced Upload Functionality for BIC and IBAN.
Similar to the requirement in Czech Republic, in Finland you need to use EU VAT registration number validation via VIES web services for TAX ID validation.
Regarding Payment processing, requirements evolve around domestic/foreign payment formats, (credit note) due date processing, Domestic Payment Format LM03 and International Payment Instructions (IPI).
Plan Comptable General (PCG): you have to set up your statutory journal entries based on a chart of accounts format provided by the French Accountancy Authority (ANC).
DADS2 (Declaration des honoraires ou commissions): you will have to declare annually what fees or commissions you are paying to third parties. This declaration is similar to US-1099 in terms of elements to report.
TVA on Payments: A certain type of purchasing VAT is deductible only when the related invoice has been paid to the supplier, especially when purchasing services. You have to separately track this kind of VAT in order to deduct VAT amounts in the right period.
The German authorities require you to report on fixed assets.
This involves reporting on your asset master list; asset master acquisition; acquisition cost report and value adjustments report.
To process payments, you will need (amongst others) a preprinted check format; a domestic electronic payment format (tape and diskette); a foreign payment format and transaction report (known as Z1 meldung), and International Payment Instructions (IPI).
Hungary local requirements include Fixed Asset Reports: an accumulated Depreciation Asset Movement Report and an Asset Movement Schedule Report.
To be able to invoice in Hungary, you need Hungarian Specific Invoices for Goods and Services, Correction Invoices and Reverse (Storno) invoices.
The Irish tax authorities have specific requirements around payment processing: Electronic Funds Transfer (AIB and BOI), International Payment Instructions (IPI), Enhanced Upload Functionality for BIC and IBAN, and SEPA Direct/Credit Transfer.
Similar to other countries, Ireland requires EU VAT registration number validation via VIES webservice.
In Italy, the Fixed Asset Reporting is a legally required report called Registro dei cespiti ammortizzabili).
For Document Numbering, you need General Ledger Date Validation for Fiscal Documents as well as Sequential Number reports.
When it comes to buying and selling goods, you need customer and supplier reporting: A/R or A/P open amount report, and customer or supplier ledger report.
The Netherlands’ tax authorities require you to provide EU VAT registration number validation via VIES web services.
To be able to process payments, you need to install domestic/foreign EFT formats, International Payment Instructions (IPI), Enhanced upload functionality for BICS and IBAN, SEPA credit transfer and SEPA direct debit functionality.
The Norwegian tax authorities demand a Country specific inbound receipt format (Giro OCR) and late payment management reports.
For payment processing, you need Due Date Processing; Domestic/Foreign Payment Formats; Delivery Notes and Additional info for Suppliers functionality.
In Poland, some specific requirements evolve around financial reporting: general ledger trial balance; trial balance for AP and AR; Transaction Journal Report and Cash Desk Module.
For Tax reporting, you need to provide Domestic and Import Purchase VAT registers; VAT sales registers; VAT and simple invoice formats and correction; and Intra-community self invoice.
One of the specific requirements for Russia involves multiple applications of landed costs.
When it comes to stock management you need to take into account stock balance reports; stock movement notes; stock delivery notes; transfer item notes; and goods received/dispatched notes.
When implementing JD Edwards in Spain, you have to take into account requirements around bank information:
Interactive Account/Transit Code Validation (AEB), Upload Revised Bank Information (AEB), and IBAN Entry and Validation.
When it comes to Tax ID valuation, you need to take into account domestic NIF/CIF validation, Foreign NIF/CIF valuation and EU VAT registration number validation via VIES web service.
Implementing JD Edwards in Sweden requires specific attention to Receipt Processing.
There are different formats to take into account, including Inbound Receipt Format BG AA, BG OCR, PG OCR and BG MAX.
Regarding payment processing, you need to implement functionality around Due Date Processing, Domestic Post Bank Payment, Foreign/Domestic Bank Girot Payment, and Enhanced Upload Functionality for BIC and IBAN.
The Swiss tax authorities require Domestic Electronic Payment Formats via Postfinance.
Another requirement in Switzerland involves the Electronic Payment Formats DTA 826/827/830/836.
Debit processing should support automatic debits via banks.
Commercial Invoices for North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) for goods going between N. America and Mexico.
Validate Tax IDs in Latin American countries.
Use an additional ledger type to work with IETU (Impuesto Empresarial a Tasa Unica)
BACS processing and automatic debit transfer format: Country-specific BACS format for electronic funds transfer works in conjunction with the standard automatic debiting processes.
BACS electronic funds transfer format: Country-specific format for BACS electronic funds transfer works in conjunction with the standard payment process.
Withholding tax processing for subcontractors construction industry scheme (CIS): this module meets the requirements of the CIS mandated by the Inland Revenue for enforcing specific tax withholding rules for subcontractors in the Construction Industry.
Contact our team for advice on Localizations and guidance on JDE for your territories.
UK: +44 118 9653 904
IRL: + 353 61 512 840