Post by Shannon Lyons
November 19th is International Men’s Day. Founded to celebrate men’s contribution to people’s lives and to appreciate the positive contributions they make to society. IMD is also used to bring light men’s health issues, and in particular mental health issues.
Sometimes, because of social norms, men feel they can’t discuss mental health issues. Having a safe space to not only discuss these feelings, but to work through them is essential. Some tips to help your mental health are:
- It’s okay not to be okay – as mentioned, the stigma behind men having mental health problems is a big one. Taking time to take care of yourself is not something to be ashamed of. It’s an incredibly brave thing to stand up and ask for help.
- Make time to yourself – every day, set at least 30 minutes aside for yourself. This can be a hobby, playing videogames, sport, cooking, or just watching an episode of your favourite show.
- Take up a hobby – starting a new hobby can be a great way to meet new people and to destress. It doesn’t have to be something big!
- Get moving – exercise is a great way to release endorphins and get the juices flowing! Whether it’s a team sport, or just going for a jog, it’s all good.
- Zzz… Sleep – Although the standard is 8hrs of sleep a night – everyone is different. Some people need more, some less. Try to work out what your perfect sleep time is and stick to it as best you can.
- Take things one at a time. Finding out what works best for you is the goal.
- Finally, create your own safe space. Whether this is a support network with friends or family, or just going to see a therapist, having a space where you are free to talk about everything without judgement is essential.
Some Resources